West Bloomfield, Michigan

Easter 2 Sermon - "The Peace of Christ: In Our Hearts & On Our Lips" (April 16, 2023)
When Jesus first appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, His first words to them were, "Peace be with you." With these simple words, Jesus swept away their fear through the power of His resurrection. In this sermon - Pastor Vergin's final sermon at St. Mark's - we explore how Jesus also speaks these words into our lives, calling us to let them reign in our hearts and pour forth from our lips.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Second Sunday of Easter (April 16, 2023). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (John 20:19-31).
Lent 5 Sermon - "The Perfect Love of God for You" (March 26, 2023)
At times, we might struggle to believe that God loves us. This can be especially true when we are facing hard times, or when we have a guilty conscience. However, we can be sure that God loves us perfectly, no matter what. And through this love, He calls us back to Himself, that we might repent and be saved. But how do we know He loves us? In this sermon, we explore the account of the Binding of Isaac, where we see how God testifies to His perfect love most clearly.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Fifth Sunday in Lent (March 26, 2023). Based on the Old Testament Reading appointed for the day (Genesis 22:1-14).
Lent 4 Sermon - "On Our Journey Home, God Will Provide" (March 19, 2023)
Today, we Christians find ourselves on a journey home. Ahead of us lies the true Promised Land, opened to us by the blood of Jesus, of which we are heirs through faith. But we are not there yet; our path lies through a fallen world where we will face hardship, uncertainty, and loss. However, on this journey, we can walk with confidence, for we know this: Our God will provide for us every step of the way. In this sermon, we explore a prophecy from Isaiah 49, in which God proclaims to us this joyous promise.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Fourth Sunday in Lent (March 19, 2023). Based on the Old Testament Reading appointed for the day (Isaiah 49:8-13).
Lent 3 Sermon - "What It Means to Be God's Beloved Child in Christ" (March 12, 2023)
In our Baptism, we Christians have been given a new identity: We are no longer just God's creation, we are now God's beloved children in Christ. That is, we have now been adopted into God's family through Jesus. This is a glorious and heavenly honor which we apprehend through faith. But what does it mean? In this sermon, drawing on Paul's words in Ephesians 5:1, we consider the answer to this life-defining question.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Third Sunday in Lent (March 12, 2023). Based on the Epistle Reading appointed for the day (Ephesians 5:1-9).
Lent 2 Sermon - "The Twofold Struggle of Our Christian Life" (March 5, 2023)
In Chapter 32 of the book of Genesis, we find an interesting account, in which Jacob wrestles with God. Here, while Jacob is alone on the banks of the Jabbok River at night, a man wrestles with him until the breaking of the day. Only then does Jacob realize that this man is actually God. But for as strange as this story may seem, it actually presents to us a striking picture of our Christian life in this fallen world. In this sermon, we consider what this account teaches us about our life in Christ.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Second Sunday in Lent (March 5, 2023). Based on the Old Testament Reading appointed for the day (Genesis 32:22-32).
Lent 1 Sermon - "Do Not Fear: Jesus Has Defeated Our Foe" (February 26, 2023)
In the Scripture Readings appointed for the First Sunday in Lent, God speaks to us the perfect Word, especially as we as a congregation find ourselves in a period of change. Through the account of David and Goliath, as well as Jesus' temptations in the wilderness, God reminds us of this: Jesus, our Champion, has defeated our foe - and in Him we have nothing to fear!
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the First Sunday in Lent (February 26, 2023).
Sexagesima Sermon - "Parable of the Sower: Receiving the Word Rightly" (February 12, 2023)
Since Pentecost, Jesus has been proclaiming abroad the Word of God, which calls us to repent of our sins and promises us free forgiveness through faith. But it's not enough for us just to hear this Word; we also need to receive it rightly. In this sermon, we explore Jesus' Parable of the Sower, in which He teaches us what it means to receive His Word rightly - and also warns us what will happen if we don't.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on Sexagesima Sunday (February 12, 2023). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (Luke 8:4-15).
Septuagesima Sermon - "Laborers in God's Vineyard" (February 5, 2023)
When it comes to the joys and the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, it can be very tempting for us Christians to imagine that we deserve more than other Christians, that because of our labors and trials we deserve a higher level of bliss than others. However, against this prideful thought, Jesus tells the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard, recorded in Matthew 20. In this sermon, we explore this parable, that we might heed Christ's warning against pride and remember that we are all equally unworthy of the Kingdom.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on Septuagesima Sunday (February 5, 2023). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (Matthew 20:1-16).
Transfiguration Sermon - "Peter's Error and the Truth of Christ" (January 29, 2023)
When Peter witnessed the Transfiguration of Christ, he beheld something indescribably glorious. But even there in that heavenly moment, Peter did what he had done so many times before: he spoke without thinking and ended up putting his foot in his mouth. "Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah." But this begs the question: What was it that Peter got wrong? And what might that teach us about our Christian life? In this sermon, we consider these important questions.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Festival of the Transfiguration (January 29, 2023). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (Matthew 17:1-9).
Epiphany 3 Sermon - "Jesus Cleanses a Leper: An Act of Divine Beauty" (January 22, 2023)
"Beauty" is a word that we use quite often, especially in specific contexts. We use it to describe people. We use it to describe artwork. We use it to describe the created world. But perhaps we've lost another area in which this word can be applied: to actions. In this sermon we explore Jesus' cleansing of a leper, considering how it is truly a beautiful action and what that means for us today, as Jesus continues to work among us through His Spirit.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Third Sunday after the Epiphany (January 22, 2023). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (Matthew 8:1-13).
Epiphany 2 Sermon - "The Work of the Messiah: Perfect Restoration" (January 15, 2023)
On account of our sin, we are condemned by God's Law to an existence of decay and death. Already we feel this in our lives as we suffer pain, loss, and all sorts of injuries. And as our days lengthen we must also come to terms with our mortality. But, in light of this judgment from God, how great is the gift of the Messiah! In this sermon, we consider how the work of the Messiah is prophesied in Amos Chapter 9, rejoicing to know what He gives to us through faith: perfect restoration.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Second Sunday after the Epiphany (January 15, 2023). Based on the Old Testament Reading appointed for the day (Amos 9:11-15).
Epiphany Sermon - "Arise! Shine!: The Call of Epiphany" (January 8, 2023)
On Epiphany, we celebrate how God is now shining the light of Christ into the nations that we all might believe and be saved. This began long ago when God drew the wise men of the east to Bethlehem by the star, and it still continues today. And with the shining of the light of Christ comes a call, from God to us, by which God calls us out of darkness. In this sermon, we explore how this call is proclaimed by the prophet in Isaiah, Chapter 60.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Feast of the Epiphany (January 8, 2023). Based on the Old Testament Reading for the day (Isaiah 60:1-6).
Christmas Day Sermon - "The Birth of Jesus and the Love of God" (December 25, 2022)
On Christmas Day we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior. But what does this mean for us? The Apostle Paul puts it perfectly in his letter to Titus, when he says, "But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us" (Titus 3:4-5a). In this Christmas Sermon, we explore how these words capture so well the meaning of Christmas.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on Christmas Day (December 25, 2022). Based on the Epistle Reading appointed for the day (Titus 3:4-7).
The Circumcision & Naming of Jesus - "Jesus at Eight Days: His First Steps to Save" (January 1, 2023)
On January 1, the Church celebrates a unique festival, which is typically overlooked: The Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. This would take place when Jesus was just eight days old, in keeping with the Old Testament Law, and serves in Luke's Gospel as a conclusion to the Christmas story. But why is this particular moment something worth celebrating? Why does it have its own feast day in the history of the Church? In this sermon, we explore this question, and we discover how this is indeed an important moment in the history of our salvation.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Feast of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus (January 1, 2023). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (Luke 2:21).
Advent 4 Sermon - "An Invitation to Joy in Christ" (December 18, 2022)
The Gospel of Luke reports that when the Virgin Mary found out she was pregnant with the Christ, she did what so many of us do when we receive such good news: she went to tell her family. Specifically, she went to Judea to speak with her relative Elizabeth, who was herself pregnant with John the Baptist. All that would then follow is a joyous celebration with family at the coming of the Christ. In this sermon, we explore how this joyous celebration stands as an invitation for all believers to rejoice daily in Christ.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 18, 2022). Based on the Gospel Reading appointed for the day (Luke 1:39-56).
Advent 3 Sermon - "The Word of Our God Endures Forever" (December 11, 2022)
Because of sin, everything that belongs to this fallen world will pass away. Though we like to think it will last, time and time again we see: the things of this world are here today and gone tomorrow. But though all else passes away, there is one thing that will stand forever: The Word of our God. In this sermon, we explore the impermanence of the things of this world and the joy that comes from knowing that in God's Word we have something eternal.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the Third Sunday of Advent (December 11, 2022). Based on the Old Testament Reading appointed for the day (Isaiah 40:1-11).
Advent 1 Sermon - "The Night Is Far Gone" (November 27, 2022)
It is a beautiful experience to be outdoors in nature in the early morning, just before the breaking of the day. In that special time, you get to watch as the world wakes and the darkness is driven away. In this sermon, we explore a portion of Paul's letter to the Romans in which he tells us that we Christians are in that special time right now, as it relates to our salvation. For us, the night is far gone and the Day is at hand. And what does this mean for the Church? It means both comfort and a calling.
Sermon preached by Pastor Aaron Vergin at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield, MI. Preached on the First Sunday on Advent (November 27, 2022). Based on the Epistle Reading appointed for the day (Romans 13:8-14).